News Flash

Club News

  • All Members are invited to attend the 2019 Annual General Meeting on Saturday, November 30. Details are available on the Members Page.
  • Members Section Update (11/14/2019)
    The Members Page is available using the 2019 code.  If you need assistance contact REMINDER: Never give out the website code to anyone as this violates Club policy… Thank you
  • Authorization to Transport (ATT) (1/7/2019)The Chief Firearms Office has asked that we share the information on Authorization to Transport with our membership.
    The licence conditions, automatically attached to the firearms licence of any of our members who had a valid authorization to transport issued to transport to their shooting club/range at the time Bill C42 passed September 2015, are included under ATT Updates on this page.
  • 2017 – AGM Annual Notice (10/21/2017)
    The Annual General Meeting of HCMC will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday December 2, 2017, at the Kinmount branch of the Royal Canadian legion (entrance to meeting is upstairs). Members who have renewed their 2018 membership by November 30,  2017 will be eligible to vote at the Meeting. A light lunch and refreshments will be served.

Club Documents